
Language plays a central role in human life:  it provides a vehicle for communication, a tool for thinking, a means of creativity and a source of pleasure. In the English course, through the use of oral, written and visual communication texts, students examine the relationship between language and power, and learn how to become competent, reflective, adaptable and critical users of language.

In the English learning area, students learn about how the English language works and how to use it effectively. They develop an understanding of the ways in which language operates as a social process and how to use language in a variety of forms and situations. They learn to speak, listen, view, read and write effectively.

Students also learn how to use language effectively through their engagement with and study of texts. The term ‘text’ refers to any form of written, spoken or visual communication involving language.  The texts through which students learn about language in English are wide-ranging and varied, from brief conversations to lengthy and complex forms of writing.  Students learn to create texts of their own and to engage with texts produced by other people.

Teaching English involves recognising, accepting, valuing and building on students’ existing language competence, including the use of non-standard forms of English, and extending the range of language available to students.   In the English Learning Area, students develop functional and critical literacy skills.  They learn to control and understand the conventions of Standard Australian English that are valued and rewarded by society and to reflect on and critically analyse their own use of language and the language of others.

For further information please visit the School Curriculum and Standards Authority website.