The Health and Physical Education learning area focuses on a holistic concept of health. It recognises the physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual dimensions of the health of the individual. It examines the impact of interactions between the individual, the family, the wider community and the environment on the health of populations.
Students gain an understanding of health issues and the skills needed for confident participation in sport and recreational activities. This enables students to make responsible decisions about health and physical activity and to promote their own and others’ health and well-being.
Students plan, act and reflect in order to develop the essential knowledge and understandings, attitudes, values and skills which promote health practices, encourage participation in regular, physical activity and support the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle. These are conceptualised and taught through an integrated approach to ensure that students achieve a healthy, active lifestyle, including a sense of well-being.
For further information please visit the School Curriculum and Standards Authority website.