Our Specialist Rugby League program provides a unique opportunity for talented young athletes to combine academic success with sporting excellence during their high school years and is designed to fast track students along the elite sporting pathways and elevate them to professional athlete standard.
What does the program entail?
- 4 hours per week developing their skills including fitness and team strategies and tactics.
- Included in the 4 hours is the highly regarded Sport Science Program incorporating a focus on diet, nutrition, sports medicine courses, psychology, recovery and rehabilitation, coaching and refereeing
- Opportunities to compete in NRLWA in-school competitions
- Specialised skills development including role play and game based training
- Strength and conditioning programs
- Fitness Assessment twice a year with formal feedback provided
Who is the Coach?
Glyn Roberts
Program Coordinator and Coach
Coaching Roles
Qualified Rugby Union coach
Coached multiple championship sides at Cottesloe Rugby Club
Played 1st Grade at Cottesloe and Rockingham Rugby Clubs
Playing Career
Represented Western Australia in Touch Rugby for School Boys, Under 18’s (Captain) and Open Mens
Won multiple Touch State Titles for Southern Stars Open Men’s team.
Glyn is also supported by Gus Marshall and Kailey Thompson as part of our close association with NRLWA.
Selection Process
- Entry into our Specialist Sport Programs is through a selection process.
- All applicants must complete a physical tryout (Stage 1).
- If the applicant is successful for Stage 1, we will require copies of the last two (2) school reports to assess your child’s academic and behavioural achievements (Stage 2).
- If your child is successful in both stages, they will be offered a position in their chosen program.
- Written communication will be sent advising the outcome of your child’s application.
If you have any queries regarding the trial or enrolment process, please contact our Enrolments Officer on 9453 0139 or at darlingrange.sc.enrolments@education.wa.edu.au.