Technology and Enterprise

The Technology and Enterprise learning area relates to the processes of applying knowledge, skills and resources to satisfy human needs and wants, extending capabilities and realising opportunities.

Technology uses resources, including materials (both raw and processed), tools and machines, knowledge, skills and experiences, as well as investment of time, energy and money.  It involves systems for collecting, transporting and transforming materials, for storing and processing information and resources, and for communicating and marketing the outcomes. Technology also includes the processes and products that result from the technological enterprise.

Enterprise involves the development and application of skills and attitudes that enable people to actively respond to and be involved in social and economic change. Finally, technology has consequences, costs and benefits that need to be considered carefully and responsibly before decisions are made.

Students become innovative, adaptable and reflective as they select and use appropriate materials, information, systems and processes to create solutions that consider the short and long term impact on societies and environments.

For further information please visit the School Curriculum and Standards Authority website.