Swimming Program

Our specialist Swimming Program is available for students in Years 7-12 and provides a unique opportunity for talented swimmers to effectively combine academic and sporting excellence.

What does the program entail?

  • 4 hours per week developing their skills including pool and fitness sessions.  Included in the 4 hours is the highly regarded Athlete Development Program incorporating a focus on diet, nutrition, sports medicine courses, psychology, recovery and rehabilitation, coaching and refereeing
  • Opportunities to compete in SSWA Competitions such as the Schools Colleges Relays
  • Opportunities to compete in SwimmingWA events
  • Specialised skill development
  • Individual programs for swimmers
  • Interschool water polo competitions
  • Strength and conditioning programs
  • Performance skills
  • Health and fitness management
  • Skills development in both practical and the theoretical aspects of swimming
  • Sport science education including underwater filming and analysis
  • Strength and conditioning instruction
  • Fitness Assessment twice a year in conjunction with Western Australia’s leading University Sports Science Program

What does the program provide?

  • Individual stroke development
  • Video analysis
  • Race preparation
  • Strategies and Tactics of swimming
  • RLSSA Bronze Star and Bronze Medallion training
  • Access to indoor facility for year round training
  • Welfare and academic support for the talented athlete
  • Swimming/water polo specific fitness assessment

How does the program link to Association/Community/Club Swimming?

All students are expected to participate in club training with their own coaches. This program is designed to complement what is provided at each swimmers individual club training and reinforce and support each student’s individual needs. Underwater footage and biomechanical analysis will be made available to individual club coaches.

Selection Process

  • Entry into our specialist Sport Programs is through a selection process.
  • All applicants must complete a physical tryout (Stage 1).
  • If the applicant is successful for Stage 1, we will require copies of the last two (2) school reports to assess your child’s academic and behavioural achievements (Stage 2).
  • If  your child is successful in both stages, they will be offered a position in their chosen program.
  • Written communication will be sent advising the outcome of your child’s application.


If you have any queries regarding the trial or enrolment process, please contact our Enrolments Officer on 9453 0139 or at darlingrange.sc.enrolments@education.wa.edu.au.


Swimmers and tri-atheletes who wish to improve their swimming ability are welcome from all clubs and are not directed to belong to any particular club.