Vocational Education and Training Program

Vocational Education and Training (VET) at Darling Range Sports College, provides Year 11 and 12 students with the opportunity to gain practical experience and valuable knowledge, while combining study and the delivery of general education towards the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) with a nationally recognised qualification.

Year 11 and 12 students may undertake the VET program by selecting either:

  • a 3:2 program which consists of 3 days at school, including SCSA and VET certificate courses, plus two days per week at either Workplace Learning (ADWPL), TAFE or an external provider OR
  • a 4:1 program which consists of 4 days at school, including SCSA and VET Certificate courses, plus one day per week at either Workplace Learning (ADWPL), TAFE or other external provider.

A national qualification can assist in gaining entry to TAFE, other training and in certain cases University. This provides a head start in other national qualifications and/or improve employment prospects.  Successful students receive a Certificate/Statement of Attainment from the Training Provider and the Curriculum Council list these on their WACE, with contributing points. Students may select a qualification to complete within the school. Our own trainers are specially inducted to deliver these Certificates and are guided by a high level of compliance. Alternatively, the students can enrol into a VETDSS qualification at TAFE.

VET Delivered to Secondary Students (VETDSS)

Students who are accepted into VETDSS Courses are introduced to an occupation or trade and work towards a qualification.  The courses are delivered by North Metropolitan TAFE, South Metropolitan TAFE, and a number of private Registered Training Organisations (RTO) and are spread throughout the metropolitan area on different campuses. They cover a multitude of qualifications and industry areas.

School Based Traineeships

A school-based traineeship allows senior secondary students to start a traineeship while also completing the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE).  Under these arrangements, the student is both a full time student and a part time employee with the same employment and training responsibilities as other trainees.

Aboriginal School Based Traineeships

The Aboriginal School Based Training is specifically aimed at Indigenous students to help get them started with an apprenticeship/traineeship while at school.  Apprentices/trainees are employed by a group training organisation which places them with a host employer.  They spend time in the workplace with their host employer and time with the training provider.